petek, 4. december 2009
petek, 27. november 2009
I iz very inspired today (vignette)
Sej je 100 besed flash fiction? It is v. hard to write but I did try my best!
(edit: it's a vignette, sam se spomnem da si ti enkrat neki pisala da je moglo bit točno 100, well here it is)
The sky was so weird, in shades of violets and grays, and the air carried the sound of rustling leaves with it. She loved and hated it both, the way it made her feel nostalgic and at the same time felt so alien.
“I don’t know you anymore,” she told him.
He probably didn’t know her either, because he kept on ignoring her and she kept on trying.
Until he answered.
“What, you don’t know me anymore?”
“It’s not that – so I’m dead as well?”
Pause, stretched like the river of ashes she never noticed before.
“Excuse me?”
(edit: it's a vignette, sam se spomnem da si ti enkrat neki pisala da je moglo bit točno 100, well here it is)
The sky was so weird, in shades of violets and grays, and the air carried the sound of rustling leaves with it. She loved and hated it both, the way it made her feel nostalgic and at the same time felt so alien.
“I don’t know you anymore,” she told him.
He probably didn’t know her either, because he kept on ignoring her and she kept on trying.
Until he answered.
“What, you don’t know me anymore?”
“It’s not that – so I’m dead as well?”
Pause, stretched like the river of ashes she never noticed before.
“Excuse me?”
26. 11. (Trin)
Zj sm ugotovla da so sam še 3 dnevi pa da če gremo po uni dramatični al kakšni strukturi, da sm zj na špici, morm se pa še zapeljat celo pot dol. :S
Aja, pa teaser. I wanna share my 8 storiez with you (btw ne vem če je to sploh še short story ... long story? xD)
“What’s the time?” She lit a cigarette and held it between two fingers of her left hand. I noticed that her
were painted the exact same shade of purple as her
“Was 2505 when I last checked,” I said and
the leaves
and stuff.
sreda, 25. november 2009
24. 11. (Trin)
nedelja, 22. november 2009
22. 11. (Trin)
sreda, 18. november 2009
torek, 17. november 2009
ponedeljek, 16. november 2009
nedelja, 15. november 2009
četrtek, 12. november 2009
11. 11. (Trin)
Ok, popravla sm se v tolko, da sm začela pisat še preden sm ratala zaspana x) pa tud meni gre bolj počasi zdejle, ker se bo končno mal začelo dogajat in je tik pred tem zgodba itak najpočasnejša.
Kot drugo, ne bom si updatala na 5000 besed, ker ni smisel več da čim več naštepam ampak samo da neki napišem :) 3000 bom naredla, kar je kr normalno za kratko zgodbo, kar bo pa več, bo pa samo due to plot xD
Kot tretje, včer sm pozabla na teaserje!!! Today is the Reference day:
1.: I’m starting to suspect Bella (I’ve taken to calling her the Poop Princess) has something to do with my nightmares.
2.: Even the sky seemed to gain some sort of sandy quality, as if it were just a mirror image of some long dried out sea.
sreda, 11. november 2009
11. 11. (Kejt)
10. 11. (Trin)
10.11. (Kejt)
torek, 10. november 2009
9. 11. (Trin)
Jst sm pa ugotovila da včasih je moj dan, včasih pa ni moj dan, in to nima nobene veze s tem, kako se počutim (recmo zdej sm bla cela 'bah zaspana grem spat- ew crap pozabla sm za kate uno napisat ok gremo na hitro naštepat 100 besed' in pol je vn pršlo 300 :) )
Pa mislm da si bom zvišala goal na ene 5000, ker obviously ne znam pisat kratkih kratkih zgodb, mislm, zdj sm kao čez polovico word counta pa se sploh še ni začelo dogajat taglavno xD
ponedeljek, 9. november 2009
nedelja, 8. november 2009
7. 11. 2009 (Kejt)
(jz sm bla včerej tud grozna. tist kar sm sred noči pisala je kr neki. ampak look, še s tvojimi počitncami si pred mano XD.)
'I really wouldn't want to be stuck in a toilet for the rest of my life,' said May. 'But I suppose it's a better option than some others. At least there's always running water nearby.'
petek, 6. november 2009
Nism še šur če bom dones kej pisala,ker sem spila vsaj pol litra vina (pa pomojem da se to nagiba bolj prot enem litru) in sem trenutno rahlo wacky ... obljubim da bom jutri nadoknadila če se slučajno zgodi da nam pisala x) Btw kate ti jutri povem kaj se dogaja kle, drugač pa če ti je slučajno do tega lahko prideš sem, je vse (razn prevoza) zastonj xD
5. 11. (Trin)
It's going craaaazy. ^^
Teaser time!! (mislm da lahko dam 2 pr tako bolanem word countu :S)
nr. 1: You also get used to lots and lots of other things you never thought you could, but getting on with Archie kind of people is the greatest skill the Army gave me.
nr. 2: The nearest house is just 20 minutes of walk away, and after that house, there are even more houses, so that would probably make a village?
Damn, the point is that I'm not isolated from the world, I've taken precautions, so even if something happens to me, I will not be found half eaten in my bed or something.
četrtek, 5. november 2009
4. 11. (Trin)
sreda, 4. november 2009
torek, 3. november 2009
2. 11. (Trin)
ponedeljek, 2. november 2009
nedelja, 1. november 2009
1. 11. 2009 (Kejt)
Kljub temu da so ploti trdno varovana skrivnost, v katero je vpleten občasen muahahaha, se mi je zdelo fino da bi imele en prostor za postat najine shiny shiny wordcounte. Ali pa daily spodbudo/inspiration/whatever/pritožbe/nove načine prokrastinacije (ker se ne vidima dovolj v živo *crko*).
So, link tu the shiny wordcounts:
Begin? :D
So, link tu the shiny wordcounts:
Begin? :D
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